7 research outputs found

    MOESM3 of Characterization of a novel sugar transporter involved in sugarcane bagasse degradation in Trichoderma reesei

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    Additional file 3. Southern blot analyse to confirm deletion of Tr69957 in T. reesei. (A) Strategy used to confirm deletion of Tr69957 by Southern blot. The figure shows the promoter region (in green) and terminator (in purple) of the gene, with the substitution of the ORF by the pyrG selection marker. A specific DNA probe was created to bind the portion of the gene (in blue), confirming its presence in the analyzed genetic content. (B) Southern blot showing the parental fungus (QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4) used as control and four deleted candidates that did not present detection of the gene portion equivalent to 3391 bp as in the parental and presented the region corresponding to 6698bp, confirming the deletion

    MOESM6 of Characterization of a novel sugar transporter involved in sugarcane bagasse degradation in Trichoderma reesei

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    Additional file 6. SCORING FUNCTIONS: the global accuracy for the five designed candidates. The chosen structure was the Model 1, which was predicted based on the 4ZWB.A (human GLUT3 glucose transporter (N45T mutant) with bound d-glucose, outward-occluded conformation), determined by Deng et al. [39], since it presents not only the highest value for C-score, but also satisfactory values for the TM-score and the RMSD, also being the largest cluster. C-score: the confidence of the construction essentially based on the template alignments and the parameters for assembling the structure, whereas the higher the value, the higher the confidence and quality. TM-Score and RMSD: the similarity between the designed model and the template used, being less and more sensitive to local error, respectively. TM-score > 0.5 indicates a correct topology. Number of decoys: the amount of conformations generated by the software. Cluster density: the size of the clusters formed for each model, whereas the larger the cluster, the lowest the free energy of the model

    MOESM7 of Characterization of a novel sugar transporter involved in sugarcane bagasse degradation in Trichoderma reesei

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    Additional file 7. LOCAL ACCURACY: the divergence of the modeling represented by the distance (Å) between the protein designed and the template used for the construction of it. RES: residue number; SS: predicted secondary structure (C: random coil, H: alpha-helix, S: beta-strand; SA: predicted solvent accessibility at 25% cutoff (E: exposed, B: buried); COV: alignment coverage; BFP: predicted normalized B-factor; RSQ_1: Residue-Specific Quality of the template (the estimated deviation of the residue on the template from the built protein))

    MOESM8 of Characterization of a novel sugar transporter involved in sugarcane bagasse degradation in Trichoderma reesei

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    Additional file 8. INTERACTION PROFILE: the detailed amount of energy required for each atom in the protein to interact with each one of the ligands, through hydrogen bonding (H) and Van der Waals contact (V)